They believed in Christ Alone written by Ruth Dickson


The wise men, were strangers from a distant land who embarked on a long journey to see what they already believed and knew in their hearts. They were privileged to know that what had been prophesied from ages past, had now come to pass.

Spiritual Privileges

How many of us abuse, waste, ignore the spiritual privileges given to us by God. These wise men denied themselves of their personal comfort to seek what they could only see and receive by faith. They believed in prophecy, they sought God’s face, they heard the Spirit of God and took action.

Herod and the Pharisees struggled with the Saviour of the world, the King of the Universe. They thought the wise men were fools and subject to them. The Wise Men were only subject to control of the Living God.

©️Ruth Dickson

Heavenly Treasures Ministries


Possessing the Promise

Abraham waited in faith for the promise of God. He waited patiently in a land promised by God as an inheritance to his generation forever. Though he did not obtain Canaan, as a possession, in his life time, he looked on in faith to that greater city, “which has foundations whose builder and maker is God.”

In our time of waiting, we must stand in faith and believe God’s Word. In the eyes of Abraham, God’s Promise was delayed, though he waited years on end, he did not stop believing.

Our faith will be tested while we wait. Abraham had a greater expectation: Heaven! He knew he would surely inherit Heaven, a blessed assurance that superseded any earthly Promise. Heaven will be worth the wait.

©️Ruth Dickson

Heavenly Treasures Ministries



To whom much is given, even much more is expected. Are you among those who do not recognise that the privileges you have are for God’s glory?

Privileges can be wasted, misused and abused when you are not spiritually minded. The carnal Christian is one who is constantly occupied with self.

Faith with no corresponding action, is not living faith, it is dead faith. It is like a tree which does not bear fruit, (described in Matthew 7:19), as a tree only fit to be cut down and thrown into the fire.

The Bible uses figurative speech when it talks about the tree that bears no fruit. In the natural, the person without the evidence of fruit is like this tree…

What does Christ say about this person? (Matthew 7:19).

Let us therefore come boldly before God’s throne of grace: pray for the mind of Christ. Pray that Christ will be a living reality in your life; He is the hope of glory. Christ has given us eternal life freely, He has paid the price, He has given us His all.

©️Ruth Dickson

Heavenly Treasures Ministries

You reflect God’s Image and Gloryi

You represent God’s Love.

God so loved this world, so much so that He gave His only begotten Son to it. He did not leave this world in its sinful condition without help;without a way out. He redeemed the situation, in a pure act of His unfailing Love.

Understanding God’s nature, His mind, His eternal and unchangeable attributes will help you understand God’s Love…though you may never fully understand it.

God’s Word shows us His mind and His love towards us. But not only that…it transforms our way of thinking. It unites us with God’s mind, It completely transforms the life of the Believer.

©️Ruth Dickson

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Welcome to the month of October.

Before making your list of requests or regrets, have you thought about thanking God for what He has done already?

Ingratitude is a spirit which can easily creep up into the life of a Christian. Let us remember to enter this month with a heart of thanksgiving. The Lord has done great and mighty things. Let us thank Him for all He is going to do in the future.

Please meditate on Psalm 9:1 #October #BreakingNews #USA #Psalm9:1


Share Christ with a child today. Child of God, as a custodian of God’s Word, you and I have the responsibility of sharing God’s Word with a younger generation.

Have you not heard about Jesus? is a Christian story for children. It is a great evangelical tool and a great way to engage parents in conversation.

Share this book with a child today: IT”S FREE!
See poster below to order a hard copy. It is available in eight languages.

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Leaving behind that which REMAINS:

IMG_5917The Legacy of Christ:

A beautiful Sculpture is a testament to its Sculptor, just like the famous painting points to the painter, and a building its architect. Anything worth admiring speaks volumes of the one who made it.

If you are a child of God you have something great to declare to the world: The greatness and majesty of the Creator God. His very own people declare His deeds to succeeding generations.

Kingdoms come and go, dynasties come to an end, but God’s Kingdom is eternal. It is everlasting and forever. It continues and endures from one generation to the next.

You should not expect the world to declare aloud the knowledge, works and deeds of God, you and I have the responsibility to do it.

As a child of God, you have a testimony on your lips. You have Great News to pass on to those coming behind you. Christ is the legacy you must leave behind.

The Word of God contains every thing future generations need to know about Him. God’s Words reveal His heart. God’s heart is Christ. He is the beginning of all understanding.

Without the knowledge of Christ, future generations cannot know God. To have a personal relationship with God, you first of all need to know Him. It is Christ that brings transformation to the human life. Future generations cannot know God outside of His Word. Any generation that does not know God, is lost one…

Christ is the legacy you and I must leave behind before we go home. Nothing else will remain, nothing else matters. The greatest human efforts will crumble, but the Word of God remains FOREVER AND EVER.

© Ruth DicksonUK
Heavenly Treasures Ministries
For free evangelical books and music for children visit:
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#haveyounotheardaboutJesus? #children #babies #parents #hope #grace #called #selected #chosen #youth #teens #holidaybibleclub #SundaySchool #grandparents # Psalm145

Guilt before God.

What makes the Believer in Jesus Christ different from the ordinary man and woman on the street?

All men and women are created in the image of God. There is neither Jew or Gentile, rich or poor, black or white, ruler or subject before God, they are all the same. As far as their Guilt is concerned, everyone stands guilty before God.

What distinguishes the Believer from every other man and woman on the street is their belief in Jesus Christ, absolutely nothing else. (Romans 3:23).

There is only one way of Salvation: JESUS CHRIST. “Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.” (Romans 10:11)

There are many children, men and women roaming on the face of the earth today, lost in their trespasses and sin: a chosen generation of people, yet to come to the saving knowledge of Christ. Somebody has to preach the gospel to them, will it be you?

The Souls of children are crying for their Saviour. Will you be the one to lead them to Him? Think deeply about this.
, For free evangelical books for children visit:
#haveyounotheardaboutJesus? #children #babies #parents #hope #grace #called #selected #chosen #youth #teens #holidaybibleclub #SundaySchool #Christianliterature #RuthDicksonUK
Ruth Dickson UK is an author of Christian Books.

The crowning beauty of a woman:


The physical beauty of a woman will open doors; attract attention, favour and gain approval…but it can be highly deceptive, according to Proverbs 31:30. This is because the physical appearance of a person can present a false representation of the person. Charisma and good looks can hide a cold heart, a mean spirit and most of all, a shriveled soul.

The physical beauty of a woman will eventually fade away, but the fear of the Lord is everlasting. It is the crowning glory of a woman. Choices based upon external appearances can yield great disappointments.

Even after physical death, a beautiful soul lives on. Such is the portion of women who fear the Lord. The woman who fears the Lord is a woman of virtue. She is comforted and recompensed by the Lord. Her honourable behaviour is her clothing. She walks in the boldness and conviction of her faith, her praise comes from God (Romans 2:29). She is a good role model. There are many rare gems, but none of them can be compared, to the woman who fears the Lord.

©Ruth Dickson

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