GOD IS SPIRIT written by Ruth Dickson

God is Spirit

The life of a Jesus follower is truly a life of true worship. 

Jesus said to the Samaritan Woman, -John 4:22-24

“Woman, believe Me, the hour is coming when you will neither on this mountain, nor in Jerusalem, worship the Father. “

 The Old Way.

Under the Old Covenant, there were ceremonies and ordinances that took place at specific times of the year. Designated Priests  performed ceremonies, presenting  the blood of bulls, as part of the sacrificial elements of worship.  The Samaritans were Idol worshippers, even though they considered themselves the  descendants of Jacob.  The Samaritan Woman, knew nothing of the New Covenant Jesus represented.  Jesus showed her carnal understanding of worship.  What the Samaritan knew was temporary and passing away. Christ showed her that He  presented the  New Way, the True Eternal Living Water.

Religious Practices.

All religious practices come to an end in the face of  the true worship of the Living God. Man made ideologies and concepts can not replace true worship from the heart and soul.  God does not desire man-made forms of worship. Dagon and the Ark of God can not stand in the same place (1 Sam.5:14). 

The New Way.

Under the New Covenant, Christ is the Mediator. He paid the price with His own blood once and for all, restoring our relationship with God.  Jesus presented Himself  to the Samaritan woman as the Living Water so that she did not need to thirst again.   Christ is the Holy Spirit that dwells within us. We need not thirst for anything else. Only Jesus provides what satisfies.

All who come to Jesus by Faith,  have access to the  Father, freely and boldly, through Jesus. God desires worship His way: Pure worship, in Spirit and in Truth.

Regardless of your background, there is a Throne of Grace. This place is not bound by geographical location or worldly concepts. The only requirement to come before this Throne of Grace is Grace itself, provided freely by Jesus.

©️ Ruth Dickson



As a Hen Gathers its Chicks in the Face of a Storm written by Ruth Dickson.

“As a hen gathers chicks under her wings.” Matthew 23:37

Jesus wept over the lost souls of Israel. How Jesus longed to care for Israel, and take them to His chest, but they had closed hearts.

Anyone who has watched a hen and its chicks  will know how protective it is over them. You dare not attempt to touch or take anyone of them from its protective care.  Jesus often  used Metaphorical language to encourage thought and deeper understanding.

The heart of Jesus for Israel was truly one  of deep  compassion and love. He longed to gather them under His wings, like a hen gathers its little ones. By using the metaphor of such a feeble creature, He conveyed a powerful message, but few recognised it.

As Chicks gather under the wings of a hen, they find comfort, safety and warmth. A hen will raise those wings and attempt to fly in the face of any  predators. It has a sharp piercing skawk to ward off danger. A hen can sense danger in its environment and it will spread its wings over its chicks like a mobile  hiding place.

How Christ longs to be that Comfort, Shelter and Hiding place for His people. Psalm 91:4 says,

“He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection.”

The Chicks who fail to run under the shelter of the hen’s wings, when it raises the alarm, often face fatality.
Let us learn to heed the voice of the Holy Spirit. He speaks through the Word of God to warn us. He speaks though physical signs to warn us of the danger to come…

Ears that hear and heed.

If you have an ear to hear, heed the voice of the Spirit. Run to Jesus, give up your self-will, in exchange for His will. God is calling sinners to repent and be saved. Jesus came to restore that broken relationship with God.

The Wings of the Almighty.

There is an enemy out there and a battle to be fought. This battle cannot be fought with human hands or human strength. The battle belongs to the Lord. Run under the shelter of God Almighty. Run, run, run, as fast as you can… 
© Ruth Dickson

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Jesus The Prophet written by Ruth Dickson

Jesus The Prophet:

Towards the end of Jesus’ ministry on earth He made certain prophetic declarations and judgements over Israel. He spoke to a generation of people who were obstinate in their ways, even charging “the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah” against them.  It is notable that God does not forget and will avenge the persecution and death of those who love Him. 

Charged to Their Generation.

Jesus released a generational curse upon a generation of people who had persecuted and killed His servants. Jesus preached, declaring seven woes to the Scribes and Pharisees in Matthew 23. Jesus  spoke to those who sat on Moses seat, but were nothing like Moses.

 “For they preach, but do not practice. They tie up heavy burdens, hard to bear and lay them on people’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to move them with a finger.” Jesus said this to the religious  scribes admonishing them harshly with His words.  

The Voice of Jesus Today.

The audience Jesus spoke to at that time was Israel and He  made further prophesies  about future events, however, let us not resolve in our hearts that God is not speaking to us today.  God is speaking today. He speaks through His Word and by the Holy Spirit.  

The Word of God is enduring, it speaks to every generation. It is left for the  followers  of Jesus to heed the Word of God and take note of the signs He uses to send strong messages and signals.  

God’s Choice of Instrument.

This whole earth belongs to Almighty God  and it is well within His power to use any instrument of His choice to bring about discipline and correction. The instrument God uses is to bring about rebuke and change to a people who refuse to change… 

©️Ruth Dickson



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The Beginning of Birth Pains written by Ruth Dickson.

The Beginning of Birth Pains.

Jesus wept over Jerusalem because He knew what was coming…  He came to save and help them, but they did not recognise Him. Jesus came to warn them, but they crucified Him.  Their spiritual leaders had an obscured view of  what the Messiah would look like. In their minds,  they pictured glorious robes and an outwardly shiny King, but Jesus came in complete humility, in suffering and meekness, so they missed it. 

A Clear View

With a clear view, looking out across Kidron Valley, Jesus gave out  some prophetic teaching and judgements upon Israel. The Temple they worshipped would be broken to pieces.  Jerusalem at that time had a pretty impressive Temple. The Temple was worshipped like it was a deity in itself. The disciples expected Jesus to be impressed and adore the Temple’s architecture, but Jesus did the opposite. He prophesied  the building  would be torn down completely, without one stone left in place for them to admire it. In 70 A.D, the  Romans destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple, just as Jesus prophesied – This is a warning for Jesus followers everywhere. Do not put your trust in idols – Do not  worship physical buildings or material things, rather, trust and worship the Living God. External edifices will dissipate, dissolve and disappear.  Only God’s Word is sure. The Word of God stands secure.

“Heaven and earth will disappear, but my words will never disappear.” – Matthew 24:35

Persecutions on the Earth

The pain a woman goes through before she finally gives birth is used as an illustration to describe the withering pain that will  be on this earth before the return of Christ.  True believers are not to be deceived. War, great turmoil, disorder and famine will take place. Natural catastrophes in apocalyptic proportions will occur, but even after this, there will still be a time of trial and testing before the end. 

False Prophets will arise and lead many astray. Believers in Christ must stand firm in their Faith. However, these “birth pains” will not stop the spread of the Gospel. The gospel of the Kingdom will be proclaimed  throughout the whole earth.

God is Never Late: wait patiently

The day of the Lord will come suddenly and swiftly. The wicked will be unprepared. The Just shall live by Faith. The Elect  will be ready and prepared at Christ’s return.  The Children of God are not to grow tired, but watch, and wait patiently in great expectation of God’s promise. Amen.

©️Ruth Dickson



The Lesson of the Fig Tree written by Ruth Dickson

The Lesson of the Fig Tree

Looking at scripture, you will notice Jesus often use the imagery of a Fig Tree in His teaching. In the beginning, Adam and Eve used the leaves of a Fig Tree to cover their nakedness, once they discovered they were naked.  Fig Trees were  said to be awaiting the children of Israel who would enter the good land God had promised.  Fig trees were seen as a symbol of communal safety, wealth and prosperity during King Solomon’s reign. 

 In the New Testament, Fig Trees were often used to symbolise Judgement. Jesus used apocalyptical language to warn His followers  about coming events, many of His prophecies took place after His death, however there were many events Jesus spoke about that are yet to come.  

The Fig Tree in the  Bud.

 Jesus used the symbol of the  Fig Tree while teaching on the Mount of Olives as an illustration.  Fig Trees produce a nutritious fruit mainly eaten in the Middle East and Asia.  Jesus knew it was a Fruit His listeners looked forward to eating, so they would identify with this concept the budding fruit.  It was a symbol of goodness, it was a crop enjoyed, it was definitely a fruit every family in Israel  looked forward to eating.

Jesus is warning His people to recognise the coming of His Kingdom. If you see a fruit bearing tree start budding, you become expectant because you know something is about to happen; you look forward to the Harvest. As of today, the 21st of May 2020, Christ’s followers are still watching and waiting….looking  to pointers that indicate His coming soon… 

There are many signs that a storm is brewing; that something is amiss… but let us not  be deceived, jump to conclusions or become tired of waiting. Rather, let us stay in tune with the Spirit of God. Be attentive, be alert, watch and wait. 


The  sign of the budding Fig Tree is used by Jesus to point to the fact that, “summer is near.”  Christians be prepared. Truly, summer is near.  Jesus warned His  followers, as He warns His followers this hour: there will be an upsurge of the preaching of the gospel, but with it will come diverse persecutions, many will fall away and  false prophets will arise.  

True followers of Christ are not to be moved by any of these things, but pray for the grace and faith  to complete the Journey.  Yes, Christ is knocking at the door and we must be ready and prepared… tbc

©️Ruth Dickson



The Children of Promise written by Ruth Dickson

The Children of Promise Romans 9:6-8

It is by God’s sovereign will that a person obeys God.  God’s divine mercy is God’s divine method of salvation.   

The descendants of Abraham believed it was their sovereign right to inherit the promises of God, but Paul said, not so, and  showed them otherwise.  Through  scripture we see that God shows mercy and compassion to whoever He wants.  God is the ultimate authority in His choices and decisions and this cannot be contested or altered by any human.

The children of Promise are not the children of the flesh, but those who are called by the Spirit of God. God’s desire is not the will of man, but His own  Sovereign will.  It can not be  forced or manufactured. God’s purpose of election stands, according to His sovereign choice.   

God will show mercy to whoever He desires, by His sovereign will and choice. Those who are chosen are called by God’s sovereign will and choice.

He is God Almighty and He does as He pleases.

©️Ruth Dickson




Praying in times of Distress written by Ruth Dickson

“My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.” Matthew 26:39

Jesus Prayed at Gethsemane:

Jesus remembered you when He prayed to the Father at Gethsemane.  Though Jesus was very sorrowful and troubled in His spirit, He faced the burden placed on His shoulders with Prayer.

The guilt and sin of this world  imputed to Jesus, weighed heavy on His shoulders. Jesus went through so much agony in His soul, yet He was resolute  not to turn back from God’s will.  He would not shrink back. Jesus prayed for support and strength.

Praying in times of trouble:

Whenever satan tries to fill your heart with sorrow, remember the “Man of Sorrows,” our Lord Jesus,  has passionately prayed for you.  He has paid the price for you.  The trouble of the  past is neither your portion or future, remember Christ wept for you. He took away the burden of sin from you.

The Holy Spirit with you:

Jesus prayed whenever He was grieved in spirit, you should pray also. The Holy Spirit is the Comforter and Jesus has promised His presence to all who believe in Him, at all times.  You  are not alone, but have the Holy Spirit to encourage strengthen and support you, every step of the way. (John 14:15-16).

©️Ruth Dickson



Jesus’ Prayer to the Father written by Ruth Dickson

Intimacy with God

Jesus Prayed at Lazarus Tomb

Jesus wept. He was deeply moved in His spirit and greatly troubled when He saw Mary weeping. Her brother Lazarus had died. As Mary  knelt at Jesus feet in anguish of heart, the entire neighbourhood  gathered around her in sadness. It looked like a hopeless situation.

The Compassion of Jesus

Jesus was moved with compassion for Mary and Martha and all who wept at the tomb of Lazarus. Jesus weeps with compassion for all who are going through diverse situations today. He is concerned for His Church, His people and all that happens to them.  Though Christ is a King and the Son of God, He is also the son of man, ever aware of our sufferings and pain, because He went through  suffering  and so much more.

A Deep Relationship

There is so much to be gleaned from this story, but I must narrow in on  the deep relationship between the Son and Father. This  is seen in Jesus’ Prayer at Lazarus Tomb. It is clear that the  prayer for Lazarus did not begin at Bethany in Judea. It began as soon as Jesus knew, by the Spirit of God, that  Lazarus’ spirit had left his body…  

Abiding in Prayer

Our relationship with the Father should be deep, personal and abiding. God desires a personal relationship with all His children. The relationship Jesus has with the  Father is the same all Christians should seek to have. There is power in the name of Jesus and His power is released through prayer.  Let us not breeze in and out of God’s presence, but truly rest and abide with Him like Jesus did.

© Ruth Dickson



Living for the Glory of God written by Ruth Dickson

Living for the glory of God.
…again Jesus retreated to pray when the crowds were convinced  He was the  Messiah. This was because He performed many miracles, including feeding five thousand from just a few loaves of bread and fish.

“Perceiving then that they were about to come and take Him by force to make him king, Jesus withdrew again to the mountain by himself.”  – John 6:15

No doubt, the crowds were captivated by Jesus to the point where they wanted to grab Him by force and make Him king. Jesus was quite confident in who He was, He knew His Kingdom was not of this world (John 18:36). Jesus response to all the commotion was to Pray… Jesus boldly  withdrew himself from everyone, including the disciples, in order  to Pray to the Father.

Christ’s main desire was to live for the glory of God and not the glory of man.  Christ was not interested in setting himself up  in competition against the ruling authorities. He had no concern for vain glory. His concern was for the Glory of God in the Salvation of Souls. Jesus came to earth with a Mission, He knew He had to die to self to fulfil it. His glory was in the glory of His Father in Heaven.

The glory of God.
To live for the glory of God is the greatest honour of the Christian Life. Where you see quarrelling, dissention backbiting and rebellion, the underlying issue is self-glory and self-honour: the  root cause  of  which  is PRIDE.

Jesus knew there was a bigger picture to any temporary honour that was offered Him. The glory of God was Christ’s ultimate goal.

Let us learn to pray, like Jesus, that God’s will be done in every given situation. Pray that God’s name may be glorified in our lives and in His Church. Pray that  God’s will be established in all the earth. Amen.
©Ruth Dickson



Why Pray? Jesus Prayed written by Ruth Dickson

Hands in PrayerWhy Pray? Jesus PRAYED! 

The priority of Prayer in the life of a Christian can never be understated.

The greatest example of one who prayed is Jesus Christ. Despite His majesty and authority, He led a prayer-filled life. Jesus did nothing without consulting the Father. In times of distress and before making important decisions, Jesus prayed.

As Jesus grew, His fame grew.  As a young child, He entered a synagogue, preached a sermon and astonished all who heard Him.  As Jesus increased in wisdom He drew crowds.  While many followed Jesus out of curiosity,  others  followed  because they believed He was the Messiah. There came a time when Jesus had to make an important decision.

“Many are Called, but few are Chosen.”

Despite the fact that Jesus had hundreds of people following Him, He still had to make the choice of a specific number. These would be the ones who would take His Commission forward after His departure. It was far from an easy decision.., not one Jesus could make in the flesh. He needed the help of the Spirit. The fact that Jesus was the Son of God did no deter Him from approaching the Father for instruction. It is a privilege to speak to the Father, it is an honour to gain access to the One who knows all things and searches the hearts.

The Father.

What is it that hinders an intimate relationship with the Father?

When a child does something wrong, naturally the parent will notice a change in the child’s demeanour.  There is nothing hidden from God and this is why repentance is importance.  Unconfessed Sin is a great hinderance. You must have faith in  Christ’s sacrifice, that He has paid the penalty for Sin, enabling you  to boldly approach God’s throne of Grace. Remember, He is God Almighty and you approach Him through His Son.

Praying at all times.

Every believer in Christ has this amazing privilege: to come before God’s throne of Grace.

Jesus  often walked away from the crowds and retreated to quiet places to pray to the Father. He prayed  immediately after victory. He  prayed in times of weakness. He prayed to the Father all times. Jesus relationship with the Father was His priority. Whether you feel weak, or strong,  in the place of Prayer, remember you are praying to the One who can help you.  He has given you a garment of praise, instead of a spirit o despair. Praise God for who He is, despite your circumstances or situation. You have a God who wants to meet with you, personally,  in the place of prayer! Amen.

© Ruth Dickson

