Christ our Paschal Lamb by Ruth E. Dickson.

Christ Our Paschal Lamb:

On what ground do you stand? Is it unshakable ground? The Christian as a sojourner, in exile, walks through a sin defiled world. The Christian, is a Pilgrim, on foreign soil.

This world is evil. As you go through its highways and byways, what do you do during times of danger? How do you defeat the enemy? Remember, you do not run aimlessly, as one who blows hot air.

1 Corinthians 9:26 says, the Christian does not fight like a boxer beating the air.

The Blood of the Lamb:

Israel had reason to fear the Night of Judgement.  In Exodus 11, (please read), the Lord announced judgment on Egypt and a resounding cry would be heard in the land. The Angel of Death would smite Egypt, but the Blood of the Lamb would be Israel’s security, shelter and protection.

Under the Covering of the Blood:

As a believer in Christ, you are safe under the Blood. It is the Blood that makes the difference. Outside of the Blood, Israel stood condemned. The blood is the witness that Christ bears sin. God’s eye is upon the Blood. He understands its value and cleansing power. Under the covering of the  Blood of Jesus,  you are faultless, perfectly pure and spotlessly white (Hebrews 10:17). 

The Blood of the Everlasting Covenant:

The Blood of the Everlasting Covenant is the cure for the exile. You are not alone. The Lord will give you fortitude as you run. There is safety, rest and protection under the covering of the Blood of Jesus. He is your Salvation, but also, Eternal Life (Revelation 7:9,10). Those who rest under the cleansing power of the Blood, ultimately, rest under the shadow of the Almighty.

Therefore, take heed as you run. Do not run as one who beats the air. Run in Spirit. Run in Truth. Run in true fellowship with Father.

©️Ruth E. Dickson

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You are a Priest Forever…

The Old Testament Priests were honoured in Israel. They were distinguished in many ways, but Jesus was much more distinguished. He was a different kind of Priest, very much like Melchizadec, a mysterious figure with no record of beginning or end…

I pray the Lord fill you with the Oil of Joy, as you sojourn towards that Heavenly Tabernacle.

This Message will bless you.

You Are a Priest Forever.

It’s Ruth Dickson.

Christ the Great High Priest of Heaven by Ruth Dickson

You are a Priest Forever

Christ’s anointing far exceeds the anointing of the Old Testament Priesthood. The Kings, Priests and Patriarchs, fellows, who ruled and reigned on this earth: lived and ruled under the Law. Christ came with a New Covenant and a better deal, full of grace and all its benefits.

The writer of Hebrews was astute in the the knowledge and understanding of the Aaronical Priesthood and the Law of Moses. The Writer wanted these New Testament believers to know there was much more, something better, than the Old Testament Priesthood, they were familiar with…

This four part series will bless anyone interested in the subject/topic of Christ’s High Priesthood.

May it bless you, most especially may increase your desire to journey with joy, to the Heavenly Jerusalem.

This teaching on Christ the High Priest of Heaven, can be found on my Website below.

I pray the incense of God’s presence surrounds you as you dwell in His presence.

Ruth Dickson.

Introducing the four part series.


Betrayed, Bruised and Battered: Behold His Glory. Written by Ruth Dickson

Betrayed, Bruised and Battered: Behold His Glory.

Jesus was betrayed with a kiss. In the presence of His enemies, it was by Judas Iscariot Jesus was betrayed. Judas had secretly abandoned the faith. It was Judas who secretly gave Jesus the kiss of death. It was the disciple who pretended to be a friend. It was Judas, who betrayed our precious Jesus, in the presence of His enemies. Judas betrayed our merciful , meek and kind Saviour… Was it not this same Jesus who healed the sick, opened the eyes of the blind, showed mercy and pity to the weak, had compassion for the poor, who performed many wondrous miracles?

Jesus felt the wound of betrayal deep within His heart. Was it not Jesus who held Judas hand to show Him mercy? Was it not Jesus who poured so much time and energy into the life of Judas, training him and spending time with him? Was it not Jesus who showed Judas the way of righteousness, yet it was Judas who stabbed Him in the back.

As the chief priests, elders and crowd of spectators, gathered against our precious Lord and Saviour with swords and clubs, Jesus felt the pain of abandonment. Jesus reminded himself that it was the fulfilment of Scripture and submitted to it all (Psalm 41:9, Lamentations 4:20, Isaiah 53:7, Isaiah 53:8).

Yet again, Jesus felt the pain of betrayal when all His disciples fled and left Him. Jesus knew they would run away from Him. He predicted this in John 16:32. Zechariah long predicted the scattering of the Sheep in Zechariah 13:7. Our precious Lord and Saviour was a man of many sorrows.



On the way to Calvary Jesus wept. Why did they bruise our merciful Saviour in this manner? It was done in the place called SKULL, a terrible, dark place of no return.

Weep for our precious Lord, look at what they did to Him, see how they treated Him? With scorn and hatred in their eyes, they bruised and scourged Him.

Weep, weep and consider what Jesus went through. These evil people gave Jesus sour wine to drink. He refused it…

“I tell you, I will not drink from this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.” -Matthew 26:29.

As we eat the Bread and Drink the Wine, we commune with Christ. Jesus suffered in obedience, paying a heavy price, purchasing the New Wine for those who believe in Him, to drink freely.

As you drink the Wine, remember the blood that Jesus shed. All who have suffered with Christ will also reign with Him. With glorious robes of righteousness, adorned crowns of beauty on their heads, they will join Christ. The righteous will dine at the Marriage supper of the Lamb.

“He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.” Isaiah 53:2.

Those who do not despise His broken body, all who suffer for Christ’s sake will be beautified and glorified with Him in glory. Hallelujah!

As we think about the sorrow of Christ, let us weep, but not with tears of sorrow, let us weep with tears of Joy, in deep gratitude and thanksgiving for what our beautiful, compassionate Saviour has done. He is Worthy! Let our hearts be filled with praise.

Jesus Christ is our righteousness.

Written by Ruth Dickson

Heavenly Treasures Ministries:

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Disclaimer: This free blog is not connected with the commercial adverts you may see on Word Press. Heavenly Treasures Ministries is not connected with any other Ministry called “Heavenly Treasures Ministries.” They are distinct and not connected. Ruth Dickson is not connected with any other author bearing the same name Ruth Dickson. Please be aware there are many…

🔴 The Cross & The Glory

In His last moments, He spoke Words that brought worry and devastation to the ones who were closest to Him. Little did they know it would be what would exalt Him, that it would exalt Him and bring honour and glory! A job well done! A completed Mission!

His Last Moments

🔴Video Here:

Wishing a glorious day, this message is extended to you today.

Ruth Dickson

Your Name is Oil Poured Out.

This is part 3 of the Series entitled:

“Glory Divine ; Beauty Divine.”

The Book of Solomon, “Song of Solomon” also know as “Song of Songs, is know for its controversial content. On the surface, it seems like it departs from the other books of the Bible and is strangely placed…

Find out More:

Continue reading “Your Name is Oil Poured Out.”

Lift up Your Eyes! Keep Marching Onwards & Upwards! by Ruth Dickson.

I invite you, Brother and Sister in Christ, to join me on this Series:


which will be shared, instead of the “The Oil for the Journey” Daily Devotional Fellowship. The Daily Devotional can be freely downloaded here for your continued devotion:

Watch Video Here:

Christ paid the Ransom for Sin. The Prophecy Isaiah gave can be likened to the wilderness journey on corrupt and broken earth… there is a better place where the Eternal Spirit dwells.

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May this comfort and bless you, wishing you every divine blessing In Christ,

Ruth Dickson.

Message from Ruth Ella Dickson

Divine Fellowship

Psalm 133:1

I greet you in the precious name of Jesus. How beautiful it is for God’s People to dwell together in Unity? We may be in different countries; towns; cities: However, in Christ, we fellowship as One. How can this be, one might say? We fellowship together through God’s Spirit.

Bible Study

It’s such a joy to know my brother and sister in Christ delights in the Study of God’s Word. To know God and make Him known, glorifies God. It is a good thing to Study the Bible, more so, when we do this together.

Oil for the Journey

“Oil for the Journey,” is a daily devotional, written by me and distributed through Gihon Publishing. This Daily Devotional is to encourage Christians in their daily walk. Whether you have received a Hard Copy or Digital Copy, or none at all, in this Season, I am calling you, by the Spirit of God, to join hands in this fellowship.

Wherever you may be, God’s Spirit is One. I encourage you: let us come boldly before God’s Presence, as we read, “Oil for the Journey,” vol 1, together. Enjoy! Please feel free to ask questions or give words of encouragement to other believers in the Comments sections.


Ruth Ella Dickson


Fellowship along here 1:


Hard Copy Book Download:

Day 1

Pomp and Pageantry…

Israel was expecting a Messiah, a King, a Deliverer, a Warrior to emerge, save them and set them free.

They were not expecting the Messiah to come in such humility and simplicity.

To listen further, click on this link / watch video below 👇🏾

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Thank you,

Ruth Dickson