Pomp and Pageantry…

Israel was expecting a Messiah, a King, a Deliverer, a Warrior to emerge, save them and set them free.

They were not expecting the Messiah to come in such humility and simplicity.

To listen further, click on this link / watch video below 👇🏾

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Thank you,

Ruth Dickson

Do you recognise Christ? Written by Ruth Dickson.

Do you Recognise Christ?

Before Jesus Christ came to earth, many Prophets spoke about Him. The Prophet Isaiah spoke about the birth of a ruler who would be the Prince of Peace.

 Zechariah spoke in glorious terms of a coming King who would ride triumphantly into Israel. Many who read the scriptures and listened to the Prophets believed every account of this coming Messianic King.

Generations of people died in expectation of this Promise. Many died in faith, without seeing its fulfilment.

Jesus riding triumphantly into Jerusalem on a Donkey was the fulfilment of Prophecy. Multitudes swarmed around Jesus, waving branches of Palm trees with shouts of Hosanah. ( John 12:1-15). Among the crowds, were those who genuinely believed and others who just got excited, but did not truly believe. Even the disciples did not believe at first, until they remembered the things written about Christ in the scriptures (John 12:16). Jesus wept over the condition of their hearts. They did not recognise Him. Among those who rejoiced with Jesus and called Him King would be those who would later assemble to betray Him.

How many people read the scriptures, listen to sermons and display the external signs of being a follower of Jesus, but do not know Christ? They have no genuine faith in their hearts. They mingle with other Christians, however, with a heart of total unbelief.

Christ is coming again, just like the Bible has promised. Do you believe this? Do you have faith in Him? Christ is the King of the heart who truly examines the condition of it.

When Christ returns may He find lamps ablaze with hearts ready, expectantly waiting for Him ( Matthew 25:1-13) Amen.

To read more Bible Devotions. Here is the link to my Daily Devotional “Oil For The Journey, Volume One: https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/84dff837-579a-4cc2-80de-39b4c343f73c/downloads/watermarked_oil%20for%20the%20journey%20v1.pdf?ver=1585764474023


Daily Bible Devotional

©️Ruth Dickson

Heavenly Treasures Ministries


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It was necessary for Christ to give His life.

He was lifted up for the world to see, He paid the price: a Living Sacrifice.


Christ The Mediator Redeemed us.

It was a finished work, freeing sinners, from the power and guilt of sin.


The 2 affects from Christ’s redemptive work are:

1.Justification and forgiveness of sin

2. Deliverance from the enslaving defilement and power of sin.

Christ shed His blood on behalf of many, redeeming them: purchasing them to Himself. You are no longer a slave to your past, but FREE IN CHRIST, a new creation, bought with the precious BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST.


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©️Ruth Dickson

Heavenly Treasures Ministries



There are a remnant among the Jews who will eventually believe in Jesus Christ. The light of the gospel will shine within their hearts and they will receive Christ.

The sand by the sea cannot be counted. God uses this illustration of “sand on the sea” severally to show the numbers of people, both Jew and Gentile, who will be inheritors of what God has promised.

©️ Ruth Jesus

Heavenly Treasures Ministries UK


Heavenly Treasures Ministries has no association or connection with Heavenly Treasures Ministries based in the USA.

Ruth Dickson (Ruth Jesus) has no connection or association with the secular author, Ruth Dickson, based in the USA.


Love Your Enemies.

All ears must be attentive and hearts wide open to the words of Jesus. Each Word that proceeds from the mouth of Jesus is more precious than diamonds, rubies and Gold.

Jesus Christ says, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who despitefully use you (without the expectation of reciprocation on this earth). Your reward in in Heaven.

The love you give your enemies is a demonstration of Christ at work in you. Christ in you, the hope of glory. Be an imitator of Christ today. Love your enemies.

©️Ruth Jesus.

Heavenly Treasures Ministries UK


Heavenly Treasures Ministries has no association or connection with Heavenly Treasures Ministries based in the USA.

Ruth Dickson (Ruth Jesus)  has no connection or association with the secular author, Ruth Dickson, based in the USA.



When the flames are turned up, and on full blaze all around you, do you doubt God?

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego refused to bow down to the gods and golden images of Nebuchadnezzar. Because of this, they were thrown into a fiery furnace, heated seven times more than it would normally be heated.

A supernatural occurrence took place and a fourth being was seen walking with Shedrach, Meshach and Abednego in the flames.

King Nebuchadnezzar was astonished as he observed the fire had no power over Shedrach, Meshach and Abednego.

Do you believe that God is in control over every single occurrence, whether good or bad? The majesty greatness, glory, power and mystery of Almighty God cannot be hidden.

God wants to glorify himself.

Before you complain, and get carried away with wrong thinking about your situation or circumstances, think about the bigger picture. God wants the world to see the display of His power and might. He wants the world to witness His signs and wonders. He wants to increase your faith. Amen.

Good Morning!

©️Ruth Jesus

Heavenly Treasures Ministries is based in the UK.

The Protector


“O Lord, my God, in you I take refuge, save me from my pursuers and deliver me…” Psalm 7:1

The Lord is mighty in battle and able to deliver all who place their trust in Him. Israel was faced with an impossible situation when God parted the Red Sea. They faced a raging storm, God parted it and they passed through on dry land. However, Pharaoh and His Chariots, met with God’s wrath. They were buried under the sea.

The Lord is a mighty warrior. You can trust Him in every battle. He calms the raging storm, placing you in the place of safety. Keep your eyes on the Cross.

©️ Ruth Dickson.

Heavenly Treasures Ministries is based in the UK.

The Final Entry

THE FINAL ENTRY – Matthew 7:24-27

When the final curtain is drawn, will you have lived for the applause of men?

Are you running your race to receive a perishable crown or an imperishable crown: a Crown of Righteousness?

The two builders:

The Bible states clearly that not everyone who says, “Lord, Lord,” shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven. We deceive ourselves if we think everyone who says they are a Christian, is truly a believer in Jesus Christ. The day of judgement, will be a day of reckoning, a day of many shocking surprises. Many who thought they were living for Christ will be utterly confounded. The practices of works and religion will be exposed for what they really are and put to shame before the whole world. “I never knew you: depart from me” are the words that will meet the end of that show ( Matthew 7:21-23).

If you are a believer in Christ , you must judge your actions and your motives so you do not end up being judged and condemned by the Lord. Do you relish the applause of men or are your actions pure, sincere and real: pointing towards the Saviour?

Two hearers:

A wise person is one who hears and does something about it. A wise person will repent and turn around from building on rubble and sand. A wise person listens and takes action. James 1:22, describes this person as one who listens to the Word and does what it says. When trials come: sickness, betrayal, disappointments, scarcity, loss of any form, this person will stand. A building with a firm foundation is built by God (Hebrews 11:12). A soul anchored in Christ, though a storm rages and the wind blows, will be found standing.

A foolish person will hear, but discard and ignore what they have heard. A foolish person will hear the truth, disdain it and and just keep on building on sand. A building built on a faulty foundation will fall down.

What building materials are you building with?

It is possible for a true believer to waste his or her life building with hay and sand.. These are those whose works will be destroyed, but still be saved, howbeit by the skin of their teeth. The desire of every believer should be to enter triumphantly. It will be a glorious entry: the whole world will see it.

Christ endured the Cross to bring to himself a spotless bride, without spot or wrinkle. He paid such a high price for His bride. With this in mind, let us ask for the grace to build with the right materials.

May Jesus see the fruit of His sacrifice in our lives, Amen.

©Ruth Dickson

Blessed are Those who Mourn

Blessed are Those who Mourn

This month of April, I shall be commiserating, expressing sympathy, consoling, people who have been through sorrow and grief. Many still mourn over deeply distressing or disturbing circumstances and situations they have been through.

Those who mourn also include people who are sorry for the harm and wickedness they have inflicted on others. They sorrow for their own sin and mourn daily over their weaknesses. Let us remember, all have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory ( Romans 3:23). Those in Christ do not stand condemned (Romans 8:1).

The Bible says,

“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” Matthew 5:4

How can a person repent when they are self-righteous, show no remorse and feel they have done no wrong?

Do you have an unrepentant heart? You may have forgotten, but God hasn’t….

Today, right now, is a time to examine your heart and be honest with God. Pray to the One who is always willing to forgive.

©️ Ruth Dickson



Nothing but the Blood of Jesus.

Nothing but the Blood of Jesus.

“What can wash away your sin or make you whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus.”

Robert Lowry, a Baptist preacher, hymn writer and composer used these words to express the cleansing power of the Blood of Jesus. Other classical hymn writers like William Cowper, Augustus Toplady and Charles Wesley have written timeless songs about the power in the blood. More recent gospel song writers like Andrea Crouch, Shirley Ceaser, Vicki Yohe and Matt Redman, just to name a few…, have also written powerful songs about the Blood.

The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power.

The work of The Blood of Jesus is continuous. There is Redemptive power in the Blood. It liberates from bondage, guilt and sin. It was absolutely necessary for the Blood of Jesus to be shed. Without the shedding of Blood there is no remission of sin. By one Sacrifice, the ransom price was paid , once and for all. Those who are sanctified, are made perfect because God’s forgiveness is complete. Blessed assurance, Heaven is the destination of those who have Faith in Christ. Rejoice in the riches of God’s grace; the expression of God’s amazing Love.

©️Ruth Dickson