Rolled Away

Mark-16-6Three Women of Faith

Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Salome rose early in the morning (Mark 16:1) to show honour to the One everyone despised. They bought sweet spices to anoint Jesus. In an act of boldness, they defied the opinions of others, and went to the grave of the One treated like a common criminal. They were willing to risk it all to demonstrate their love for Him.

Three Women of Faith, feared, as they approached the grave

The only thing they were worried and fearful about was the stone at the door of the grave. Who would roll it away? How would they gain access to the One they loved? Though they were women of faith, they had anxiety within their hearts.

As we approach the promises of God, how many of us have fear within our hearts? The things we worry about, the things we anticipate about our future, do not exist in God’s eyes. The problem in your mind is not there. These three women, though filled with such tremendous faith, were worried about rolling away a huge stone that had already been rolled away. The problem had been dealt with, even before they got there. The stone separating them from access to the promises of God, had already been rolled away.

Why worry?

What is oppressing you today? The fear of not making Heaven? What have you psychologically conjured up as an obstacle in your mind? Are you already anxious about an obstacle that does not exist? Are you mentally carrying the cross of tomorrow, next month, next year/couple of years, today? Just like the three women, they were amazed to find the stone rolled away. (Mark 16:6). You will be amazed that your fears are groundless. The issue has been dealt with, the problem does not exist.


Let us believe and have faith, just like the three Women of Faith, that your fear/s have been attended to. Tomorrow will take care of itself. The roaring lion, the barking dog that sits in the way has been chained to a very secure place. Unless you go forward in faith, you will never find out that your fear is no longer there.

© Ruth E.A. Dickson Author UK  Christian Author #READICKSON

#Psalm33:8 #Riseup #Standup #Salvation #Overcome #Faith #Gospelofgrace #fear #Magdalene #Confidence #Hope #Anxiety #Depression #Headache #Covetousness #Worldliness #Peace #Trust #Mary #Salome #Stone #Rolledwaway #Barkingdog #Roaringlion