Dominion, Authority, Power

Matthew 28-19Dominion, Authority and Power

Jesus Christ asserted so much power and authority when He said, “All power is given to me in Heaven and Earth… He delegated this same power to the disciples when He said, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations…” To make disciples of men, they first of all had to preach the gospel and then instruct them in the principles of the Christian faith.

Do you believe in Jesus Christ? Such authority and power has also been given to you.

The apostles were commanded to baptise all nations. Before a person can be baptised, they must first of have some degree of understanding as to why they are being baptised. They must first of all hear the gospel. The commission, according to Acts 1:8; 3:26; 13:46; 18: 6,7; Gal. 2:7 is to first preach, baptise and then disciple all nations.


In Acts 10:36, we are reminded that even though the gospel message was first sent to the Jews, it was also sent to the gentiles. Jesus Christ is Lord of all: both Gentiles and Jews.

Be a witness today about Jesus Christ. Jesus has done something so wonderful, He has given you eternal life, share the good news today!

© Ruth E.A. Dickson Author UK Christian Author
‪#‎Matthew28:19 ‪#‎Hear‬ ‪#‎Preach‬ ‪#‎Christexalted‬ ‪#‎Christglorified‬ ‪#‎ Christhonoured ‬ ‪#‎ChristSaves #Salvation #Righteousness ‬‪#‎Satisfy‬‪#‎Unfailinglove‬ ‪#‎Providence‬ ‪#‎Favour‬ ‪#‎Peace‬ ‪#‎Victory‬ ‪#‎Winner‬

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